December 11, 2012

The Role of Women in AOTS

The National AOTS was originally constituted as an“organization of men” in the form of an association of men’s clubs. Over the years, men have benefited greatly from an organization that focused on their needs and spiritual growth. Men have given back immensely to their Church and community through AOTS service projects at the local and national level.

We will always be thankful for the impact of our unique men’s ministry.

We look forward to AOTS leadership in men’s ministry in the future.

However, it was the great Bob Dylan who in 1964 told us The Times They Are a-Changin'. AOTS Clubs, their members, and their Churches have changed remarkably. Most are facing questions about their future direction – some are tough, others exciting. Many are searching for new models for spiritual growth and service.

That search is causing some clubs to think about the role of women in AOTS. Some of the typical questions and comments are:

  1. Is it okay for our club to invite women to participate in club programs or help with fundraising?
  2. Most of our club members prefer programs that also involve their spouse or significant other.
  3. If women participate in our club, does that make them AOTS members?
  4. We are declining in numbers at our club. We joined forces with the UCW; but we feel obliged to withdraw from AOTS.
  5. If we allow women to participate, can we continue our affiliation with AOTS? Must we give up our club charter?

The Executive of The National AOTS recognized that the AOTS Bylaws should be clear on this issue, thereby allowing clubs to move forward in their vital men’s ministry. Accordingly, the Women in AOTS bylaw was adopted by the Executive at its June 2012 national meeting in Minnedosa, MB. The new bylaw gives individual clubs the freedom to invite women to be full members of their local club. Some clubs will be eager to do so; others are welcome to continue with their traditional model. We hope this change will be a positive step forward that enhances the AOTS experience and outreach. The text of the new bylaw is printed below.


Individual Clubs may need some flexibility in their membership and/or organization to be effective in reaching out to men while retaining their national affiliation with the National AOTS. This Bylaw provides a mechanism for clubs, if they so choose, to allow women to participate in activities or as members. It also formalizes the process to allow women to participate in Regional or National activities.

  1. A local club may invite women to participate as guests (non-voting) in specific activities or events (e.g. Ladies Night, joint fund raisers, etc.).
  2. A local club may vote to accept women as members of the local club, subject to:

1. A resolution to adopt this policy requires agreement by 2/3 of the members (men).

2. Women and men will enjoy the same rights and privileges in the local club.

3. Annual dues to The National AOTS will be assessed based on the number of men in the club.

4. A resolution to end this policy requires agreement by 2/3 of the members of the club (men and women).

  1. Women are not eligible to be Individual Members or National Life Members of The National AOTS.
  2. Women may be invited to participate as guests (non-voting) at regional activities or events (e.g. Rally’s, Round-ups, fund raisers) subject to:

1. General agreement by participating clubs and

2. Advance notification of the Regional Vice President.

  1. Women may be invited to participate as guests (non-voting) at national activities or events (e.g. Biennial Convention) subject to approval by the National Executive.

Submitted by John Cooke, Executive Member-at-Large. Email at

Questions or comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I have read and learned of this Bylaw for the first time Sep 21/18. In fact I am just now taking/making the time to explore the web site as I ponder AOTS life without a national association with which to affiliate!
    To be or Not to be?
    To attempt a national revival is my question - or not?
